Dear Garden,

I have to be honest. I have never tasted a fresh fig until now. The closest I have ever had to fresh figs were probably Fig Newtons. That sounds so awful but today not only am I trying fresh figs, I am picking handfuls of them.

This lovely Fig is nestled right in front of our home. It towers over 20 feet tall and takes up a good portion of one of the garden beds. Leaving little to no space for other plants. Some days I wish it was in a different location but it loves this spot so if it is happy then I am happy. We ended up picking figs for weeks and always have an abundance.

Harvesting Figs from a large fig tree.00_00_29_21.Still001.jpg

The ones I am picking in this video are actually for my Nana. She loves them!! The con of having so many fresh figs is that I either have to bake with them immediately or continue to give them away because they have such a short shelf life. Next year I hope to can several and possibly dry them as well to get us through the season. If anyone has some fresh fig recipes to share let me know in the comments. My go to has been fig muffins!! :)

Harvesting Figs from a large fig tree.00_01_02_10.Still002.jpg
Harvesting Figs from a large fig tree.00_01_48_29.Still004.jpg

Sincerely yours,




Hello My Dearest Garden…